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"We Race The News"

Elektronik - Shut Down

Elektronik.ro was a very popular music tracker and it was pretty hard to join the community, but now you will never get a chance to join Elektronik. The tracker has been closed and will never come back, the staff have posted an announcement about the shut down. In the past there was some downtimes and the tracker members have worked very hard and because of downtimes the tracker has lost his loyal users. RiP Elektronik!
Their final announcement
a few days ago we decided to close elektronik, so here we are.
as you can see, all the torrents and torrents related content are unavailable.
forum and shoutbox are still opened and will stay like this for a while, so if you need to contact other users, now's the time to do it.
chances for elektronik to come back are very slim to none for reasons that were obvious in the last period.
that's about it.
thanks a lot for this great community.
thanks to all those people that helped us.
/elektronik staff (marrat, Sebi, derek, Eddie, frigideru, Lebe) 

 Elektronik was not a new tracker in the 'bt world', it was a very old one. The tracker has been with us since 2005 and was very close to celebrating it's fifth birthday. The trackers database was near 15,000 torrents, thank you for all you have done to us, Elektronik. RiP!


Anonymous said...

Goodbye Elektronik! RIP!

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